SENS Solution® Wellness Program

Journaling to Reduce Stress

Written by SENS Solution | January 29, 2018

Keeping a daily journal has been shown to provide numerous benefits to our physical well-being.[1] Not only does journaling help us track patterns and behaviors over time, it also helps organize our thoughts, can reduce stress, and may even help us be better problem-solvers. It’s also an efficient tool for weight loss.

Like maintaining an “emotion” journal, keeping a daily food diary allows you to track your eating habits. By logging what, when, and how much you eat and drink, you can see just how much you’re consuming each day. Those calories mindlessly ingested in front of the television or at your office desk can add up significantly. If you itemize what you are consuming, this can ultimately lead you to take in fewer calories. In addition, a daily food diary can help you detect possible patterns of negative behavior that result in “stress eating.”

It helps to be diligent about your food journaling. One study found that people who kept a food diary six days a week lost about twice as much as those who only kept a diary one day a week or less.[2]

Hungry for more information about nutrition? Members of a Castle Connolly Private Health Partners associated practice can contact a SENS Solution® Health Coach by calling 212-812-5254.

[1] Purcell, M. (2016). The Health Benefits of Journaling. Psych Central. Retrieved on Nov. 7, 2017, from

[2] Retrieved on Nov. 7, 2017 from