What is Inflammation and Why May Inflammation Be Harmful?
Inflammation in the body is a response to what the body detects as foreign and harmful. If your body is consistently inflamed, then it may begin to cause a problem by not healing itself and/or causing damage to healthy parts.
It is well documented that eating a Standard American Diet (SAD) that is high in processed, sugary, and fatty foods is linked to diseases of inflammation, including obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), processed foods are the reason for the increase in obesity and chronic disease across the globe. These highly refined foods are normally easier to chew and swallow, which allows a person to eat a larger amount in a shorter amount of and requires less energy (i.e. burns fewer calories) when you digest processed foods. With lower amounts of nutrients and fiber, as well as a rapid spike in blood sugar and insulin, processed foods can leave you feeling hungry again in a short time.
It is vital to our health that we decrease the amount of processed, sugary, and fatty foods we consume and, on the flip side, increase the amount of fresh, whole foods in our daily diet. Simply by adding more fruits, vegetables and other plant foods to our diets, we displace the less healthy foods that are higher in calories and low in nutrient density.
Getting Started on an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
If you are looking to start eating a healthier overall diet, start by adopting these principles of anti-inflammatory diet.
What NOT to eat: Foods That May Promote Inflammation
What to eat:
Foods That May Minimize Inflammation
Anti-Inflammatory Eating Made Simple
Start by making small, doable daily choices to create the habit of eating an anti-inflammatory diet that includes a variety of fresh, whole and mostly organic and/or locally sourced plant foods.
Here is a quick guide to help you adopt this type of diet:
Listen to the SENSe of Wellness podcast episodes on nutrition:
Food for Mood with Dr. Uma Naidoo
Nutrition for Longevity with Jennifer Maynard