SENS Solution® Wellness Program

The Exercise Prescription

Written by SENS Solution | August 06, 2019

At our May SENS event, Jordan Metzl, M.D. shared his passion for health, fitness and sports medicine with our Members in his presentation, “The Medicine of Movement.”

Dr. Metzl is a renowned sports medicine physician, best-selling author and fitness instructor, who practices what he preaches.

Members learned about the multitude of health benefits from movement and exercise.  Dr. Metzl discussed the “four legs of the wellness table,” which he identifies as body, mind, nutrition and community, and the interplay of these factors in preventing disease. He demonstrated how these lifestyle factors are responsible for approximately 60% of our health, while genetics and medical intervention account for 20% each.

Additional takeaway points Dr. Metzl shared to help make exercise doable for anyone at any age are:

  • Movement is medicine
  • Focus on “tip to toe” (full-body) strength
  • Fitness is fun – but everyone needs to find the exercise that is “fun” for them in order to stick with it!
  • Stress and exertion are necessary for humans and survival! (And also strengthen our immune systems) and..
  • Small steps are better than none!