Make Thanksgiving a delicious feast without stress! These savory stuffed mushrooms with homemade...
Dark Bark with Pomegranate and Pistachios
We all want to do good for our hearts! For National Heart Month, this dark chocolate bark is the perfect way to show some love to yourself and others. Share this delicious treat with loved ones as a commitment to their well-being with something thoughtfully homemade that is loaded with heart-healthy antioxidant phytonutrients and fiber, as well as anti-inflammatory fats and other micronutrients that promote cardiovascular health. Enjoy the combination of textures and flavors with all that fabulous nutritional value that makes for a happy heart and soul!
Active Prep Time: 15 mins ∙ Cook Time: 5 mins ∙ Serves: 8
1/2 cup tri-color quinoa
8–10 ounces dark chocolate (chips, melting wafers, or chopped bars)
1/2 cup pomegranate arils, patted dry with paper towel
1/3 cup chopped pistachios
1 tablespoon chia seeds
In a dry skillet over medium heat, toast quinoa 3–5 minutes. Shake the pan constantly to keep the quinoa moving until you hear them begin to pop. Remove from heat.
Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
Place chocolate in a tempered glass bowl and melt over a double boiler. Or microwave at half power in 15-second intervals, stirring in between, just until fully melted.
Stir 3/4 of the toasted quinoa into the melted chocolate and then pour out onto the prepared sheet pan. Spread until the chocolate is about 1/6-inch thick.
Working quickly (before the chocolate sets), sprinkle the top of the chocolate with the remaining toasted quinoa, pomegranate arils, pistachios, and chia seeds.
Let cool completely before breaking apart to serve. To cool down quickly, refrigerate 15 minutes.
Helpful Tips
If the chocolate sets before the toppings have sunken in, you can set your oven to preheat (at any temperature) for 3 minutes, then turn off. Put the sheet pan of bark in the warm oven for 2 minutes, just until it has softened. Remove from oven and place a sheet of parchment paper over top to use your hand to lightly press the toppings down into the bark.
Calories per serving: 220 ∙ Fat: 12.5g ∙ Net Carbs: 24g ∙ Fiber: 5g ∙ Sugars: 16g ∙ Protein: 4.5g